Voluptuous women rock!
voluptuous - having strong sexual appeal; "juicy barmaids"; "a red-hot  mama"; "a voluptuous woman"; "a toothsome blonde in a tight dress"

voluptuous - (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and
pleasing  curves; "Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes"; "a curvy young woman in a  tight dress"

The t-shirt says "Try a Voluptuous Woman and You'll Never Go Back to Twigs!"

Big Beautiful Breasts

The tendency to overlook the stark reality of the basic man starts early in  life. The first dress that's purchased in order to grab the attention of a "special" boy is where it begins. Then come fancy haircuts, cosmetics and diets. 

In the end, probably 90% of all the efforts failed to register.

Men are oblivious to much of what women do to interest and attract them. I said "much," and this is where it's easy to lose track of what is and isn't getting through.

Let me set the scene: an elegant restaurant in a fancy east coast city; 4 men in their late twenties and early thirties are enjoying dinner; there are lots of  laughs and excellent conversation around the table. A good looking couple enters the main dining room. The woman is wearing a see through blouse, without a bra.

What a surprise! The guys notice. They aren't looking at her eye shadow, or notice that her gold earrings match the bracelet. They are admiring, her breasts.

As the couple moves across the room, it becomes perfectly obvious that they are being watched by an appreciative audience. When she gets into range, the woman turns to the nearest man at the table and snaps, "What do you think you are staring at?" Under the circumstances, it's a question that rates with Grouch's "Who's buried in Grant's tomb?"

What did she think they were staring at? What was the point of wearing the revealing blouse in the first place? Those four men weren't blind.

But again, they didn't notice the expensive haircut and the manicure. It wasn't a matter of being rude, or immature, or sex-crazed. When it comes to women, a man's optic nerves run directly to his crotch.

The news shouldn't be much of a shock, but the facts of life get rearranged by those who like to sell a new line of fall fashions, designer cosmetics, or high speed liposuctions.

Men are "supposed" to be turned on by a particular shade of lipstick. Men are "supposed" to be turned on by little button noses. Men are "supposed" to be turned on by skinny women.

Says who? Cosmetic czars? Plastic Surgeons?  Millionaire diet doctors?

The message that gets lost in the chorus of special interest pleading is the most important one of all - Men are attracted to breasts. Simple.
By Don Bernard Want to crawl deeper into the rabbit hole that is the man's mind? Do you want to completely understand men and how you can use that secret information to better your odds in the dating world? Find your soul mate?  Prevent yourself from being just a one-night-stand?

Read Dating Advice 101 [http://www.thebigdate.blogspot.com] and unlock all of these secrets. With over 400 pages, you sure to find a few gems!

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Bra Technique
So here's the sketch; you're out having a drink with some of your mates, across the bar is an extremely attractive lady. You want to approach her but you can't think of a thing to say.

So unfortunately you ask your somewhat tipsy friends. One of whom suggests that you should use a dirty dating pick up line to grab her attention.

The theory behind using a dirty pick up line is to create a charismatic sexual effect on both of the people, but in reality it has somewhat of an opposite result which tend to disgust women, unless of course you are using it within the realms of dirty dating. If you have ever used a dirty pick up line you would know by now the reaction a woman has to it, if you haven't then the word to describe the reaction would be revolted.

Just the other day I sat at a very busy bar conducting a dirty dating study of my own, I listened carefully to men who approached women. Here are some of the thing's that I've heard so far (good, bad and the ugly)

"The worlds about to end, I'm sure you me and you could create the new big  bang."

"I've never met the twins in front of you, would you mind if I said hello?"

"I got the cream if you give me the Strawberries?"

"Is it me? Or have I seen you in bed?"

"I'm sure my keys would definitely boost your ignition."

Most of these dirty lines are pretty funny, but the honest truth is they hardly ever work, but again if you were in the dirty dating scene then of course it would, as anything goes in dirty erotic dating.

The truth is most women want to know what's in a guys head before they think about what's in his pants. They love to talk, so if you have something interesting to say, say it. Small talk is for kids it's time to grow up and you'll exactly know how easy it is to take a girl home with you.

Go up to her, introduce yourself, tell her something that interest's you, show your a bit keen to get to know her but not overly, instead that will make her try to reel you in. Even if it is a simple conversation you will find out how much better it is than using dirty pick up lines which are mainly used for dirty dating. Whether you're simple dating or dirty dating make sure you know exactly how to approach each one.

100% Free dirty dating [http://exclusivedirtydating.com] site. Completely free dirty dating at: [http://exclusivedirtydating.com], No charges ever guaranteed.

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tags: dating, dirty dating, dirty pick up lines